DATE: 10th Oct to 13th Oct 2023
VENUE: SVERI’s Engineering College, Gopalpur, Pandharpur
PARTICIPANTS: 31 Students(10 boy’s and 21 girl’s)
19th Yuva Mahotsav was organized by Vidhyarthi Vikas Vibhag of
Punyashlok Ahilyadevi Holkar Solapur University, Solapur at “SVERI’s college, Pandharpur” between 10/10/2023 to 13/10/2023.In this occasion over the ceremony Hon. Dr. Prakash Mahanvar(Vice-Chancellor of Punyashlok Ahilyadevi Holkar Solapur University, Solapur) isspeaking. In this occasion Hon.Dr. Jaysiddheshawar Mahaswamiji(Member of LokSabha, Solapur),Hon.Dr. Ganesh Chandanshive(Head of Department, Lokkala, Academy, Mumbai University) and others were present. In this Yuva Mohotsav students interested and those who are talented in cultural activities like elocution(Hindi, Marathi, English) Compitation, Mehendi, fine arts, Clay Modeling, Poster Making, Spot painting, Spot photography, Kavyvachan, Skit, Street play, Quiz, etc participated. The University sends a circular to all affiliated colleges institutes and then selection trials are held and a university team is selected keeping in mind the total number of participants who could be sent for the same. All funding in respect of the above is made from the university funds. In this Yuva Mohotsav, one of our student Mahanvar Anushaka Ganesh(Student of B.Sc(ECS) – II) participated in Elocution competition in English. She got second rank in English Elocution competition.
Our Vice – Principal Asst. Prof. Dawkare R.R, all HOD’s, teaching and non-teachingstaff encourage to all students.The students put on a good show. 31 Students of our institute participated in 16 events of Yuva Mohotsav.